A Story

My Julie tried everything...

Spider (cat)

About a week after starting my 17 year old tabby boy Spider on this product he started acting like a new cat! He has always been a picky eater, and over the last year he has at times completely stopped eating and lost half a kilo in weight. He has been eating really well and has now put on that lost weight again. He is also much more cuddly, and even though for his age he is still very playful, he now plays *even more*, and he is more active in general.

Kai (horse)

My horse Kai has slowly developed arthritis in her right knee from being a life long barrel racing athlete. When her arthritis built up fluid in her knee as well as inflammation last summer she was due for a joint injection. Kai has been on this hemp oil for almost five months now and her knee inflammation has been kept to a minimum!! This company truly cares about their customers and animals they are helping and healing.

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